Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Together with Srs. Mariani, Theodora and Christa, I warmly welcome you all in this GCO meeting 2011. From different places and countries, we gather in this place with the same spirit as sisters and brothers. This is the 25th GCO meeting in our congregation.
For us, as Sisters of Our Lady – Amersfoort, this meeting is an inspiring event to enhance our bond and togetherness, which is moved by the same spirit.

We feel grateful and thankful to the councils of The Netherlands, Indonesia and Malawi, the facilitators, the discussion leader, the secretariat staff and the interpreters who wholeheartedly have responded to our invitation for this meeting. Especially to you Sr. Fransita, Sr. Rosalia, Sr. Catherine, Fr. Sudarminta and Fr. Philbert, this is the first time for you to participate in the GCO meeting. We wish you will feel comfortable and able to participate actively in this meeting.

Mrs. Lia Vergouwen, Mr. Guus van Loenen, Fr. Justinus Sudarminta, Fr. Philbert, and Fr. Henk Bloem, our facilitators, will guide us for this meeting. And Fr. Norbert Halsema will be our discussion leader.

We also express our special thanks to Mrs. Renny Zwaagstra, our secretary, who has organised this GCO meeting well together with the secretariat staff members

Although in the last general chapter it was strongly advised to hold the international meetings of the congregation in the English language, in reality, at this GCO meeting we still need the interpreters to help us in expressing our thoughts properly.
They are: Erna Ammerlaan and Sr. Lucidia for the whole period, Marianne Jacobs during the second and third week, and Inge Kapitan will join in the third week. We invite you to help us to be our discussion conveyor in the plenary and in the small groups.

Dear sisters and brothers,
On basis of the assignment of the General Chapter 2010, we now perform this 25th GCO meeting, with the purpose that is written in our Statutes 20.1 and 21.1:

‘The General Consultative Organ guards and promotes the unity of the congregation. In the General Consultative Organ, experience and vision are exchanged and collaboration on the international level finds concrete form’.

The general consultative organ discusses how the policy that is decided upon by the general chapter is to be carried out on the general, provincial and regional level.”

As councils now together, we collegially want to take steps to realize a part of our tasks and responsibilities, especially to form a concrete way and make a follow up of the decisions of the general chapter 2010.

Starting from the same source and the same roots, starting from Amersfoort, now our congregation lives actively in the Netherlands, Indonesia, Malawi and the Philippines. The growth and the presence of the congregation in those countries are based on the same spirituality ‘recognizing and acknowledging the human dignity as the image of God’.  

The theme of the last general chapter in 2010 became so a powerful echo, binding unity in our congregation. At this GCO meeting, we want to continue the flow of spirit of the general chapter with focus on the theme of “Unity in diversity
In the opening prayer service, Sr. Christa already explained to us the meaning of the theme and symbol that we use it for our meeting.

We have chosen this theme because:
-     we are one congregation, living from the same source and spirituality. We have different nationalities, cultures, languages, characteristics, talents etc. We live in the same spirituality, likewise our sisters in various places.
-    The unity in diversity” is experienced on various levels: provinces/region, communities, ministries, and societies where our sisters dedicate themselves to serve.
-    we are living in a global world/universal and the modern tools of communication unite us, so that people can contact one another quickly wherever they are.
-    as a whole congregation, we want to continue and strengthen the spirit of togetherness and moving on in one spirit, especially in facing/dealing with the real situations of each province/region:
·         The Dutch province will be smaller in number.
·         The Region Malawi is growing and still making efforts to stand on their own feet.
·         The Indonesian province will expand the province

In accordance with the recommendation of the General Chapter, “that before holding the GCO meeting, to hold the formation days for the councils”, we try to involve you as far as possible, to discuss the theme and other things we need for this meeting.

Beforehand, in each province/region, you already received and prepared the main topics for this GCO meeting. We thank the councils together with the facilitators who have worked hard and responded well to our working papers and other preparations for this GCO meeting.

Furthermore, we will arrange our discussions based on the topics mentioned in the daily agenda. We truly ask the agenda commission to follow accurately the discussion process.

Finally, we hope our active involvement in this meeting will be fruitful and that, in the light of God’s Spirit, we will get new inspiration to reach the goals of this meeting.
We wish all of you much success! Herewith I declare the General Consultative Organ meeting 2011 to be opened.

Denekamp, 7th September, 2011
Chairperson of the GCO meeting
of the congregation of Sisters of Our Lady

Sr. Felisita Budiarti


On August 14th till September 6th, 1979, The Dutch council took initiative to hold the meeting of council members of three countries – Nederland / Brasilia- Indonesia, and Malawi - with the facilitators. This meeting became the beginning of solidarity and collaboration on the international form.
In 1984, in the new Board Structure of governing in the congregation, the meeting of the councils was called General Consultative Organ (GCO) and its purpose:
“The general consultative organ guards and promotes the unity of the congregation. In the general consultative organ experience and vision are exchanged and collaboration on the international level finds concrete form.” (Statutes 20.1)
The spirit of collegiality in leadership has continually been enhanced.
In the following years, GCO is more often held in the congregation for the renewal of the Constitutions and to seek the appropriate form of Board structure for the whole Congregation. In 1988 formed a new Board Structure in the presence of: General Council, The Council of The Dutch Province, The Council of Indonesian Province and the Regional council of the Region Malawi.
In the year of 2011 we are now carrying on the 25th GCO meeting.
Constitutions no.16.3:
The general Superior with the consent of the general council convenes the general consultative organ at least two times per term of office.
Statutes no. 20.1 – 20.3:
20.1 The general consultative organ guards and promotes the unity of the congregation.
In the general consultative organ, experience and vision are exchanged and collaboration on the international level finds concrete form.
20.2 The general consultative organ is formed by:
          the members of the general board
          the members of the provincial/regional boards.
The general consultative organ can be assisted by other persons depending on the subject to be discussed.
Note: The coordinating committee of the Region Malawi is present at the meeting of the general consultative organ

20.3    The general consultative organ meets at least two times during the board period of the general board.
The general consultative organ is convened by the general superior. The general consultative organ can also be convened by the general superior upon request of one or more provincial/regional boards.
In the statutes no 21.1 – 21.9 is mentioned clearly the tasks and authority of the general consultative organ as follows:
21.1 The general consultative organ discusses how the policy that is decided upon by the general chapter is to be carried out on the general, provincial and regional level.
21.2 The general consultative organ discusses the formation programs of the various provinces/regions (this item 21.2 was based on the statutes no. 26.2.)
In the decision of general chapter 2000 pg. 18, the statutes no. 26.2 has been changed as follows: “the Provincial / regional councils develops the program of formation in collaboration with the novices mistress. The program is then presented to the general council for consideration and requires its approval”.
21.3 The general consultative organ evaluates how the decisions of the general chapter are carried out on the general, provincial and regional level.
21.4 The general consultative organ evaluates how the decisions of the provincial/regional chapters in the various provinces/regions are carried out and how the recommendations of the chapters are enacted.
21.5 The general consultative organ, after considering the input of the various provinces/regions, suggests the subjects for discussion at the general chapter.
21.6 The general consultative organ draws up the tentative agenda for the general chapter.
21.7 The general consultative organ may for well-grounded reasons recommend to the general superior and her council to call an interim general chapter.
21.8 The general consultative organ determines the way in which the vacancy of a general assistant shall be filled.
21.9 The general consultative organ determines the number of candidates for the list of candidates on behalf of the sounding which precedes the election of a general board.
1.    The members of the general council
2.     The members of the provincial council
3.    The members of the regional council
The general consultative organ can be assisted by other persons depending on the subject to be discussed. (Statute 20.2)
Refers to the Constitutions no. 16.3, the general council in the period of 2010 – 2016 will carry out the GCO meeting two times with the special purposes as follows:

1.    GCO 2011 :
  1. To guards and promotes the unity of the congregation.(Statute 20.1)
  2. To discuss how the policy that is decided upon by the general chapter 2010 is to be carried out on the general, provincial and regional level.(Statute 21.1)
  3.  In the general consultative organ, experience and vision are exchanged and collaboration on the international level finds concrete form. (Statute 21.1)
2.    GCO 2015 :
  1. To evaluate how the decisions of the general chapter 2010 are carried out on the general, provincial and regional level. (Statute 21.3)
  2. To evaluate how the decisions of the provincial/regional chapters in the various provinces/regions are carried out and how the recommendations of the chapters are enacted.( Statute 21.4 )
  3. To prepare the general chapter 2016 (see Statute 21. 5 and 21.6 )
  4.  To determines the number of candidates for the list of candidates on behalf of the sounding which precedes the election of a general board. (Statute 21.9)

Based on the decision of the general chapter 2006: “The General Chapter 2006 assigns to the general council to involve, from the beginning, the councils in the preparations for the GCO meeting:
  1.  The general council arranges working papers and the topics for GCO meeting are taken the decisions of general chapter 2010
  2. The certain topics or actual issues that need to be discussed from the provincial / regional council.
  3. The reactions of the working papers would become the material for discussion at GCO.

The GCO meeting is organised by the general council together with her secretary. The role of each function is described as follows:
1.    The chairwoman is in hand of the General Superior.
  •  To lead, open and close the meeting and give direction to the whole process of meeting. In this point she is assisted by the discussion leader.
  • To lead the agenda committee meeting.
  • Together with the general council members arrange the report/ agreement of the GCO meeting.  
2.    The facilitators:
The General Chapter 2010 emphasizes that only those persons (Facilitators/ advisors) who have for a long period of time attached themselves to the council concerned in order to facilitate or to advice it, will partake in and attend the meetings of the General Consultative Organ and general chapter
(See Resolution Booklet of the General Chapter 2010 p. 19)
The role and tasks of the facilitators emphasised in actively assist and guide the participants in the process of meeting, so they can experience the proper atmosphere in the light of spirituality of SOL. (See the role of the facilitators/ enclosure paper).
3.    The Discussion Leader/Moderator
The discussion leader is chosen by the general council with the following role and tasks:
  • To lead the process of discussion during the plenary session in objectively.
  • To direct and accelerate the participants to have a proper discussion in the plenary session and to take decisions or agreement effectively.
  • To indicate the important items that need to be paid attention by the participants.
  • To create and stimulate the active discussion among the participants and keep the balance atmosphere during the plenary session.
  • To inform the steps that should be done for the process of GCO meeting.
  • Attending in the agenda team meeting.

4.    The Secretary:
            The secretary of GCO is the general Secretary (with the help of secretarial staff). She helps the general council   to keep on the run-well of organisation and the meeting.
  • To coordinate the implementation of GCO organisation together with the secretariat staff.
  • To take minutes and report during the meeting.
  • To provide the documents needed for the meetings.
  • To make archive all results and document of GCO meeting well.
  • To assist the participants regard with the practical things needed refers with the meeting.
  • Together with the general council, arrange the final report of GCO meeting.
5.    The agenda committee.
The members of the agenda committee consist of:
  • The chairwoman of GCO meeting
  • The delegation of participants  from Dutch and Indonesian province,  and region Malawi
  • The Facilitators
  • The discussion leader.
The role and task of the Agenda Committee:
  1. To plan the agenda and to determine the schedule and direction of for the following day.
  2. To evaluate every day the process of meeting that has been done of the day.
  3. To keep the process of meeting can run well and smoothly.
  4. To accommodate the suggestions and ideas of participants that relate with the interest of GCO meeting.
  5. If the solution of the agenda meeting is not satisfied, the agenda committee can invite the participants to vote in the plenary session. 

6. The Interpreters.
  • The interpreters assist all participants to understand the content of talks / discussion well.
  • The interpreters are also expected to help the translation matter in the small groups when the participants need to report the result in other language.

Based on the suggestion of GCO 2001, the GCO meeting is divided into 2 parts:
  1. Formation for the councils
  2. Working /Business meeting of GCO
To socialize the results (decision and agreements) of the GCO meeting to the sisters in the province and region, the general council will arrange a booklet of GCO meeting in three languages.
Before it is distributed to the sisters in the province/ region, the general council will consult the content of the concept to the provincial and regional councils.
We hope, by knowing this guideline, we all take part actively in the whole process meeting and try to create a proper atmosphere in which we can realise and strengthen our vision of internationality of the congregation as Sisters of Our Lady of Amersfoort in the light of our spirituality.
Amersfoort, September 2011
General Council


At Huize Elisabeth
Gravenallee 11 - 7591 PE Denekamp

From 4 -  21 September 2011


 General Council
Sr. Felisita Sri Budiyarti
Sr. Mariani  Made
Sr. Theodora Suwarni
Sr. Christa Suminah

Dutch province
Sr. Beatrix Woertman
Sr. Truus van den Hoven
Sr. Ria Welters

Indonesian Province
Sr. Anita Martiyah
Sr. Fransita Heni Untari
Sr. Theresien Marie Sumini
Sr. Dionysia Widyastuti
Sr. Rosalia Sumiyati

Region Malawi
Sr. Linda Viano
Sr. Clara Golombe
Sr. Catherine Chikadza

Father Henk Bloem
Mevr. Lia Vergouwen
De Heer Guus van Loenen
Father Justinus Sudarminto, SJ
Father Philbert, OCD
Father Norbert Halsema

Renny Zwaagstra
Thera Mulder

Father Theo Vergeer
Mevr. Erna Ammerlaan 
Sr. Lucidia SPM
Mevr. Inge Kapitan
Marianne Jacobs  


  1. Internationality
  2. Community
  3. Formation
  4. Mission
  5. Finance
  6. Communication
  7. International training on Leadership
  8. Collaboration between Indonesia and Malawi


Early in the morning we went out for cycling. Beautiful – and the moment of sun rising, all the colors, the light. We stopped to look at it, and we saw there the sun, and behind us, high in the sky the full moon. Magnificent!
Realised same sun same moon as in Java, as in Malawi- they have the full sun in their flag.. There is one sun, Like a word in the Bible: his sun rises over just and unjust.. . One world, we share the same air, rain (much in Holland and too little in Malawi)—the same life; we are one humanity. No matter where we live. We are international, global people. we felt, standing there,  Unity  in all diversity.
A good encouraging experience.         

St Paul knew this feeling, he wrote …to keep so. Not to make, create …just to is already there.  In all of us is de spirit of God, of the universe…we are united…
If we just had known before starting to discuss our concerns about unity!!!!!.
We shared our worries about unity : in congregation(how to be internationally united) , in communities, in a team( how to work really together using the strength and skills of each),  ,in the same understanding of spirituality - not uniform-but understanding the same core.                                                                                                             … also about diversity—we saw it as a richness, it makes us more complete, using all the possibilities and skills available.. And we saw also the more difficult sides when we got acquainted with our most divers sister Amalia. We felt:  Not easy- Unity not easy diversity
St. Paul knows about these concerns : writes: until we all reach the unity , Reach…it is not yet done and complete. In reality we often divide it up what is united: :  We speak of the third world…isn’t there one world? We make borders: this is mine.., We speak from natives and foreigners, from mine and thine.  We are multinational—but not always international. We know of competition, different characters. . Unity in diversity, it is not yet reached.
This brings us to the Gospel.
There Jesus prays to the father : that they may be one as we are one. He not just prays: that they may be one…But : One as we are”  How is God one:  A very bold question,.... But Jesus spoke from Father, who gives us life, from the Son who shared our life, and from the Spirit, who is God in action in us: enthusiasm, inspiration. These three –they are one God: Unity in diversity.  And we are called to become what God is, called to become his image: United, together in diversity.
Reaching that kind of Unity in faith, in living your spirituality, that is, mature, St. Paul says, that brings us to the measure of the fullness of Christ.
That’s what I find attractive in your Constitutions: to live up for a new society, equality, brothers sisters…every day more...
Sometimes against the trend of this world: The world is inclined to divide, to split up everything;  we are called to unite—to unity in diversity
I think at the end of this GCO-- We experienced this unity in this GCO, in encountering each other, in the friendship we received and gave. There were many  good moments:  formation days at the beginning, discussions about Internationality, about collaboration ,about co-involvement of the Netherlands. We need such moments, such meetings and encounters. I hope they will be possible in the future—papers, and technology cannot do what human encounter and friendship can do.
A the moment of sun rising I myself remembered a small story which I told:   Father do it again…
Let us pray the good God and each other that we may have also in the future a lot of these good experiences! Let us, let He do it again. That will give hope!